Ausstellungen – EN



Shared Spaces

Grand Opening 18.-20.10.24

The inaugural exhibition “Shared Spaces” unites museum space and urban space. The artistic works open up spaces for shared experience and empowerment, creating irritation and encouraging reflection.

The inaugural exhibition “Shared Spaces” unites museum space and urban space. The artistic works open up spaces for shared experience and empowerment, creating irritation and encouraging reflection. The exhibition moves between social cohesion and the impression to be thrown back on oneself, between the creation of an identity, speechlessness and the questioning of social norms and rituals. It invites the visitors to discover the strengths of communities and to meet other people in a new way. The invited artists include, among others: Sonja Alhäuser, Baltic Raw Org, Paul Budniewski, Common Ground, Antje Engelmann, Heiner Franzen, Ivana Franke, Alfredo Jaar, Rita McBride, Laure Prouvost, Isaac Chong Wai and Raul Walch.


Fig.: Raul Walch, Fountain of knowledge; common ground, Baltic Raw Org, Sonja Alhäuser, Heiner Franzen, Isaac Chong Wei, Antje Engelmann, Alfredo Jaar, 2024

Further information


Wuppertal 24h live

Sneak Preview: First insights into the Kunsthalle Barmen with guided tour, workshop & artist talk

We are delighted to be able to present the first insights into the Kunsthalle Barmen.

We are delighted to be able to present the first insights into the Kunsthalle Barmen. The exhibition venue will reopen on 18 October 2024 with the inaugural exhibition ‘Shared Spaces’. During 24h Wuppertal live, we cordially invite all interested parties to take a first look behind the scenes.

Prof. Isabelle Meiffert, Artistic Director of the Kunsthalle, will kick off the event on 13 September at 4 pm with a guided tour of the first artistic works. Afterwards, at 4.30 pm, there will be a creative workshop for children aged five and over. Here, the young participants can design marzipan sculptures under guidance, which will be part of the ‘Welcome Barmen Banquet’ by artist Sonja Ahlhäuser in October.

On 14 September at 10:30 a.m., there will be an artist talk with Prof. Katja Pfeiffer and Lena Rüschmann, who will be showing a video work on questions as a form of communication in the LAB. The work will then be expanded to include questions from visitors to the event. At 1 pm, Katja Pfeiffer will present ideas and possibilities for the LAB at Kunsthalle Barmen as a new teaching and learning centre for contemporary art education.

We look forward to welcoming numerous visitors!


Friday, September 13

16:00 Guided tour with curator Isabelle Meiffert

16:30 Creative workshop for young guests aged 5 and over


Saturday, September 14

10:30 am Talk with Katja Pfeiffer and Lena Rüschmann

13:00 Presentation of the new Kunsthallen “Lab” with Katja Pfeiffer

Fig.: Sonja Alhäuser, 2016

Further information